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HomeBreaking NewsNOT IN DISPUTE: Katumbi Cements Status As Front Runner For Congo Presidency

NOT IN DISPUTE: Katumbi Cements Status As Front Runner For Congo Presidency

After 20 days of a successful campaign in the east and west and ten days before the election, the former governor of Katanga brought together tens of thousands of his supporters this Saturday at the Sainte-Thérèse field, the usual venue for large rallies in Kinshasa.

On Saturday, December 9, Moïse Katumbi’s meeting in Kinshasa was a success. Despite the usual obstacles from the authorities and the attacks recorded here and there by the forces of progress (the UDPS militia) and the kulunas paid to create disorder, tens of thousands of people gathered at the Sainte-Thérèse field , the usual gathering place for the opposition in Kinshasa.

Rarely in the capital in recent years have we witnessed such communion between a politician and the population. It must be said that Moïse Katumbi, originally from the east and Swahili-speaking, spoke throughout his meeting in Lingala. A plus to encourage the support of the population.

“After the success recorded in the east, his natural zone, but also in the west in the Greater Equator as in the former Bandundu, Moïse was expected around the corner in Kinshasa. It was a success. It’s even a triumph. Not only was the crowd very large, but they communicated with Moses who spoke to them in Lingala,” exults an opposition deputy, elected in the capital.

Through this demonstration of force (and popularity) in the largest city in the country, the opponent confirms his status as a big favorite in the presidential election after 20 days of vigorous campaigning during which he relegated his opponents far behind.

“As a candidate, I don’t hold night meetings. And as president, I will not make 666 trips abroad. I will not steal money from the Congolese with the RAM either ,” tackled the opponent, targeting outgoing President Félix Tshisekedi, who is struggling during this campaign.

Once elected, Mr. Katumbi pledged to “transform Kinshasa to make it an urbanized and modern city, bring water and electricity everywhere, pave the roads, build bypass roads to make traffic more fluid, put an end to the incessant jams.

He also affirmed that he would release imprisoned journalists like Stanis Bujakera, as well as political prisoners, citing Salomon Kalonda, Jean-Marc Kabund and Mike Mukebayi.

Monday, December 11, less than ten days before the election date, Moïse Katumbi will travel to Kongo Central for the rest of the campaign, the stronghold of his new ally, Jean-Claude Mvuemba.

CREDIT: Congo Libre



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