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HomeBreaking NewsKADIMA & CENI'S ELECTORAL BANDITRY: Why Has America Not Sanctioned Kadima &...

KADIMA & CENI’S ELECTORAL BANDITRY: Why Has America Not Sanctioned Kadima & Tshisekedi’s Other Agents For Stealing Katumbi’s Victory The Same Way They Sanctioned Nangaa For Stealing Fayulu’s Victory?

It’s now eight months from the time DRC’s electoral chief Denis Kadima and others stole in broad daylight opposition leader Moise Katumbi’s 2023 electoral victory for imposter Fèlix Tshisekedi.

This fact is not in dispute. Both Tshisekedi and Kadima admit the election was marred with excessive fraud that was captured on video and other various media platforms.

In 2018 when former CENI chief Cornelius Nangaa now turned rebel leader stole the election from Martin Fayulu and awarded it to Tshisekedi, the USA moved in sanctioned the Congolese officials.

In March 2019, three months after Fayulu lost a disputed election that saw an arranged transfer of power from Joseph Kabila whose candidate Ramazani Shadari performed miserably, the US moved and sanctioned Nangaa and two others.

They argued, “Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned three senior Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) officials pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13413, as amended by E.O. 13671, which authorizes sanctions in light of actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in the DRC.

“This action follows persistent corruption by senior officials within the DRC’s National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) and the former Kabila Government to obstruct and delay preparations for credible and inclusive elections.”

Sigal Mandelker, Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, further said, “We stand with the Congolese people who went to the polls on December 30 (2018) but remain concerned about a flawed electoral process in which, following the presidential election, CENI continued to obstruct the democratic process and failed to ensure the vote reflected the will of the Congolese people. The United States will continue to assist those who seek to root out credible allegations of corruption but will not hesitate to leverage our authorities to impose tangible and significant consequences on malign actors in the DRC and around the world that undermine the democratic process and traffic in corruption.”

Fast forward to 2023, the USA disputed the election organized by Tshisekedi’s CENI agent, Kadima and others.

A report published in January 2024 read that the United States, United Kingdom, and former colonial master Belgium deplored the lack of electoral transparency.

An official at the US State Department Matthew Miller said in a statement, “the important task of building national cohesion calls for leadership, accountability, and inclusivity at all levels”.

The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted “the democratic impetus once again demonstrated by the people during these elections, despite the difficulties, in particular, the numerous logistical and operational problems and the reported irregularities”

Meanwhile, the US urged the Independent National Electoral Commission to work towards greater accountability and transparency going forward.

Miller said, “Regrettably, as noted by domestic and international observation missions, insecurity, logistical issues, and preparatory shortcomings created significant delays and barriers to voting on election day.

“For many, incidents of fraud and corruption raised doubts about the integrity of the results. We encourage the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) to ensure greater transparency regarding the tabulation of remaining results.

“The United States also strongly urges Congolese authorities to launch a comprehensive review of the electoral process, investigate and hold accountable those who attempted to undermine the will of the people, and, in consultation with stakeholders, act on recommendations to improve future elections,” Miller said.

“We also welcome that voting was broadly peaceful and that elections took place on time,” he said.

The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted “the democratic impetus once again demonstrated by the people during these elections, despite the difficulties, in particular, the numerous logistical and operational problems and the reported irregularities”.

Numerous election observer missions noted that in some parts of the country, voting material failed to reach polling stations on time, and in some cases, the election was pushed to the next day.

CENI cancelled 82 election results countrywide due to electoral fraud. Belgium urged the DRC to continue to hold to account those found to have taken part in fraudulent electoral practices.

So if the USA admits that the DRC election in 2018 fell far short of democratic standards and principles, how come these have been ignored for the 2023 elections?

Did Tshisekedi bribe some Americans to look elsewhere while Congolese continue to suffer the punishment for the stolen election?

Are the same Americans who were upset with Nangaa electoral theft happy with Kadima’s banditry of the polls.

Is what the Americans are practicing not called double standards?

We the people of Congo demand to know why the Americans are playing such a dangerous game at the expense of the lives of the Congolese majority?



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