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HomeGeneralBROKE INSTITUTION: CENI Using Bank Loans To Operate Ahead of December Elections

BROKE INSTITUTION: CENI Using Bank Loans To Operate Ahead of December Elections

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s electoral board, Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) has revealed that is facing a critical financial situation with the institution forced to operate on loans obtained from banks.

On Thursday 21 September, 2023 during a consultative meeting with civil society groups at the commission’s headquarters, CENI President Dénis Kadima Kazadi revealed that with less three months to go before the Presidential Polls in December the institution had been grappling with finances to deliver to its jurisdiction.

Kadima said CENI had largely been dependant on government for financial support that was granted in installments and according to the institution’s needs.

With the financial support from government not sufficient, CENI are not prompted to resort to bank overdrafts with interest.

“We have decided to move forward in this way to ease the financial burden on the government, which has already incurred significant expenses linked to the elections and other sovereign obligations. Everyone is aware that we are barely three months away from the elections , so the money will continue to flow in. I cannot say that we are financially ready, because the needs are constant and met at the rate of government resources,” explained the head of the electoral board.

Although it is not the first time the issue of CENI’s financial incapacity has been brought to light, the situation raises major concern about the potential impact it could have on the preparations and holding of elections on the scheduled time.

This latest revelation will also comes as a surprise after Republican President Fèlix Tshisekedi declared at the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York that all was in shape for the DRC to hold successful elections.

While CENI had been lamenting over its current financial hurdles, Tshisekedi reassured the UN General Assembly that measures had been taken to ensure transparency, equal opportunities and inclusiveness in the electoral process.



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