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HomeGeneralCALL FOR METAMORPHOSIS: Congolese Journalist Sends Open Letter to Tshisekedi

CALL FOR METAMORPHOSIS: Congolese Journalist Sends Open Letter to Tshisekedi

Experienced journalist Litsani Choukran has sent an open letter to President Fèlix Tshisekedi to own up to his responsibility of restoring sanity to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Choukran, the founder of local media website, has reminded Tshisekedi of the current tumultuous state the Congolese population finds its self arising from his government’s failure to deliver to its promises and mandate.

With thousands of people in the eastern region falling victim to the prolonged fighting with the M23 Rebels, Choukran has urged Tshisekedi to find a lasting solution to this alarming situation.

Choukran has also called on Tshisekedi to reconcile and unite with critical political figures such as Joseph Kabila and main opposition leaders Moïse Katumbi and Martin Fayulu who have been victims of repression and injustices at the hands of the ruling government.

Choukran writes;

In the shadow of my convalescence, while my body is slowly recovering, my mind remains vigilant in the face of the gravity of the prevailing situation. It is in this spirit that I address you, O President Tshisekedi, aware that our nation is going through dark and demanding times.

In the crucible of dark hours, under the changing skies of a nation in search of renewal, the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo beats to the rhythm of the aspirations of its people. O President Tshisekedi, heir of ancestral hopes, it is time to summon the wind of change, to shape a fairer and more radiant future for our dear homeland.

On the tumultuous banks of the Congo, the murmurs of the population resonate like a chorus of voices demanding justice, transparency and progress. In the narrow streets of our cities, in remote villages, every breath carries the weight of expectations, broken dreams and broken promises. The tears of our fellow citizens water the land of our ancestors, calling for enlightened governance, imbued with compassion and dedication.

In the firmament of history, your name shines like a star of hope, but the time has come, O President, to transcend words to inscribe your action in the stone of reality. The time is no longer for captivating speeches, but for courageous and resolute action. It is time to restore the voice of the people, reach out to those who are suffering, and together build the foundations of a prosperous and equitable nation.

Power, O President, is a sacred burden, an immense responsibility that requires humility, integrity and vision. You are the shepherd of a people thirsting for justice, the guardian of the aspirations of a generation hungry for change. May you hear the whisper of the winds of change and guide our nation towards bright horizons, where human dignity is respected, where equality is a reality and where fraternity is the rule.

May your reign be marked by the greatness of actions, by the generosity of the heart and by the wisdom of decisions. May every step you take be guided by love for our dear Congo and by concern for the well-being of its sons and daughters. Because in every moment, in every choice, lies the potential to transform our nation, to lift it to the heights of greatness and prosperity. It is your duty, as an enlightened guide, to recognize and rectify the errors of the past, for on your shoulders rests the burden of the future. Your meteoric rise during the December 2023 elections, driven by unprecedented popular momentum, must today be transformed into concrete actions, works of resolute will in favor of our homeland.

The reconciliation of national political forces is now more than crucial. You must work to unite around you, rallying eminent figures such as former president Joseph Kabila, opponents Moïse Katumbi and Martin Fayulu. Together, let us transcend partisan divisions, to face with a united front the existential assault represented by Rwanda’s aggression. In union and harmony lies our strength. Alone united, going beyond quarrels, can we face the dangers that await us and build, for generations to come, a promising horizon on the lands of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

May peace and wisdom guide your steps, now and always.

Respectfully and with hope,

Litsani Choukran.



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