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HomeBreaking NewsARE WE A CURSED NATION? Refugees In Reality & Self-Exiled Refugees In...

ARE WE A CURSED NATION? Refugees In Reality & Self-Exiled Refugees In Football

It’s painful enough that more than 500, 000 of our people are displaced in eastern Congo by the civil war, thanks to President Felix Tshisekedi’s incompetence. Millions have died over the years.

Tshisekedi went to bed with Rwanda’s Paul Kagame as his people were being killed and today, as elections approaches and the need for a second mandate is evident, he has turned against him.

Tshisekedi cannot claim innocence in the massacre of our people in the east. His first assignment was to befriend Kagame. He called him, “my brother” even when the entire world had read reports about Rwanda’s alleged involvement in the east.

Today, Tshisekedi can’t claim innocence to the massacre of our people in the east. If he took this stance today, we would not be where we are in this mess today.

Who knows? Tshisekedi is only playing to the gallery so that he can win the election and will go back to Kagame after December 20, 2023, assuming he succeeds in stealing the vote as it was stolen for him in 2018.

We, the people of Congo, don’t trust Tshisekedi and his mission in the east.

As if what is happening in the east is not too much to take, millions have fled this great country of ours since independence in 1960 due to civil wars.

Today, we are a country with only one sports stadium.

What makes it worse is to now have our top soccer clubs and national teams seeking refugee in foreign stadiums.

We have at least one stadium to accommodate us in Lubumbashi which is the architect of our very own Moise Katumbi. Katumbi’s love for football is an open secret and what he has done at TP Mazembe is an open book story of pride for this country.

When Felix Tshisekedi came into office, he told Congolese in the diaspora to come home because a new chapter had arrived. There was no longer war and the country was back on the road to recovery.

Today, Tshisekedi and his crew have shameless taken our football into exile.

Our national soccer team, the Leopards, will be at a refugee camp in Cameroon to face Mauritania. FC Lupopo are refugees in Ndola, Zambia.

AS Vita are refugees across the the river in Congo Brazzaville and the cash-strapped Lupopo are refugees in Angola where they were forced to pay $15, 000 which they don’t even have.

What a shame to the presidency of Felix Tshisekedi. You have millions of Congolese all over the world as refugees including yourself who grew up and worked as a food courier in Belgium, and you decide to take our football into exile as well.

Pride and egoism of Tshisekedi has made Congolese a laughingstock. If this is not an insult, what else is?



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