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HomeBreaking NewsTSHISEKEDI THREATENS EU: Tshisekedi Demands Clarity From EU Over Agreement With Rwanda

TSHISEKEDI THREATENS EU: Tshisekedi Demands Clarity From EU Over Agreement With Rwanda

Democratic Republic of Congo President Fèlix Tshisekedi has demanded for the European Union (EU) to clarify the terms of its recently signed agreement with Rwanda.

The EU and Rwanda recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote the development of “sustainable” and “resilient” value chains for raw materials also referred to as conflict or blood minerals.

The agreement has been received with widespread condemnation by the Congolese who have accused the EU of backing its enemy, Rwanda, in the ongoing war to take over the eastern region and it abundant natural resources.

Speaking when he addressed the nation tonight, Tshisekedi has since issued a threat to the European body to clarify its position in the MoU or face-off with the DRC in court.

“We will do everything to block the road to this commitment including the legal route, Kagame is a receiver, a thief if this continues, we will conclude that the EU is waging war on us by proxy” Tshisekedi said.

Tension has increased in the eastern region with persistent clashes between the Congolese army (FARDC) and the M23 rebels, allegedly backed by Rwanda, who have occupied several towns and villages surrounding the city of Goma in North-Kivu Province.



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