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THE END IS NEAR: Former Human Rights Minister Predicts End Of Tribalistic & Xenophobic Tshisekedi’s Reign

Former Minister of Human Rights Marie-Angie Mushobekwa has predicted the imminent loss for incumbent President Fèlix Tshisekedi in the upcoming 20 December 2023 General Elections.

Mushobekwa, a former National Deputy of Kabare in South Kivu Province, has noted several failures and injustices under the Tshisekedi regime that has in addition incited tribalism and xenophobia in the country.

“For several years, the country has been facing growing insecurity, economic inflation and poverty” Mushobekwa wrote on her X account, “In addition to all these evils, they added tribalism, xenophobia, division, injustices and terror to silence all opposition.”

Mushobekwa is one of the critics of Tshisekedi’s regime that have been subject several injustices.

Earlier this year, Mushobekwa saw her status as a National Deputy invalidated by the Tshisekedi government since June, 2022 for criticizing the injustices and the established mode of governance.

“In their provisional power, they had decided to unjustly invalidate certain deputies; others had been taken to prison unjustly; another had been cowardly murdered apparently by a ghost who has still not been found six months later,” she wrote.

She added that after five years of several injustices and irregularities committed time had finally come for the fade up Congolese population to vote Tshisekedi out of power.

“They stifled the parliament (the poorest in the entire history of the DRC). But unfortunately for them!!!and fortunately for the DRC, they did not succeed in stifling or stopping time which continues to move forward. The end of their mandate has finally arrived and they are forced to face live, painfully and in total disillusionment, their direct, just, and final invalidation by the sovereign people, tired of broken promises.

The powerful Congolese people are decided and determined to start from scratch to regain their dignity and freedom confiscated by a small group of heartless people,” she said.

Indeed, Tshisekedi has experienced a difficult time during his campaign for re-election with the Congolese population in several regions he has visited questioning his government over the uncertainties tax payers money as well as other undelivered promises.



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