Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeGeneralSHAMEFUL MANIPULATION: Tshisekedi Takes Corneille Nangaa’s Former Carder Hostage & Orders Him...

SHAMEFUL MANIPULATION: Tshisekedi Takes Corneille Nangaa’s Former Carder Hostage & Orders Him to Accuse Joseph Kabila of Being Part of AFC/M23 Coalition

President Fèlix Tshisekedi’s has taken his fight against Joseph Kabila to the next round as he falsely accuses his predecessor of taking up arms to fight his government.

Tshisekedi’s false accusation has taken a new dramatic scene typical of a soap opera following the staged arrest of Congo River Alliance (AFC) leader Corneille Nangaa’s former ally Eric Nkumba Chebandu.

A video has gone viral on social media where Chebandu, while in custody at the Military Intelligence Agency (DEMIAP) headquarters, has mentioned former President Joseph Kabila to be the main sponsor of Corneille Nangaa and the AFC to oust Tshisekedi.

Congolese army (FARDC) spokesperson General Sylvain Ekenge claims that Chebandu is one of the important components of the AFC.

However, sources reveal that Chebandu has been disconnected from Nangaa.

In the video, Chebandu mentions Kabila and other political rivals and critics of Tshisekedi including General John Numbi, Claudel Lubaya and Joseph Olengankoy.

The arrest of Chebandu and accusations of Kabila is also seen as a strategy by Tshisekedi to divert the attention of the Congolese population away from ongoing war in the east where the Congolese army are struggling to contain the rampant M23 rebels.



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