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HomePoliticsSANCTIONS: Tshisekedi’s Former Friend Annoys US Government

SANCTIONS: Tshisekedi’s Former Friend Annoys US Government

One of the key figures that stole Martin Fayulu’s victory in the 2018 DR Congo elections faces further sanctions from the United States.

Cornellie Naanga, who was the head of the country’s electoral body, the CENI, has previously admitted of having stolen Fayulu’s victory and cooked up figures for Tshisekedi in exchange for a power sharing deal with Joseph Kabila which has collapsed.

Naanga has now formed a political-rebellion grouping which the US disapproves.

“The U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa expresses deep concern over the December 15 announcement by the Congo River Alliance, a group that includes Corneille Nangaa and Michel Rukunda—individuals sanctioned by the United States—and the M23, similarly sanctioned by the United States,” ambassador Lucy Tamlyn has said in a statement.

“The AFC’s threats are an affront to the Congolese people, as they prepare to peacefully exercise their civil and political rights enshrined in the Congolese constitution. We call on all actors sincerely interested in ending the conflict in eastern DRC to comply with African-led regional peace initiatives, including the Luanda and Nairobi processes.

“We reaffirm that the United States will consider taking action, including visa restrictions or other measures, against those who undermine democracy or threaten the peace, security or stability of the DRC and the surrounding region.”

Naanga currently lives in exile.



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