Former president Joseph Kabila has called for a popular uprising in the Democratic Republic of Congo to oust imposter Felix Tshisekedi citing shrinking democratic space, economic turmoil and social upheaval.
In a press statement released signed by his party’s coordinator Raymond Tshibanda, the FCC says the shrinking democratic space has given reason for the Congolese to exercise their constitutional right to take over power.
“Far from being intimidated by these acts which demonstrate the cowardice of their perpetrators, the Common Front for Congo is more than determined to vigorously pursue its resistance to the dictatorship; its program of raising awareness among the population of the existential challenges of our time; its action to defend the freedoms and fundamental rights of citizens, national cohesion, the well-being of the Congolese, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country; all in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and the laws of the country,” Thisbanda states.
The FCC recalls that it previously “had denounced and condemned the threats, intimidation, theft of property, arbitrary arrests, assassination attempts and assassinations suffered by its members, particularly its executives, as well as other compatriots” in a previous press release last April.
To assert their rights, the relatives and allies of the former head of state are considering applying article 64 of the constitution.
“In view of the situation prevailing today in our country, for the FCC and for all the Congolese people, the activation of article 64 of the constitution of the Republic, the supreme law which applies to all, therefore appears, more and more, not as a necessity, but rather as an obligation and a duty,” the press release adds.
Article 64 of the DRC Constitution, in its first paragraph, stipulates the following: “Every Congolese has the duty to thwart any individual or group of individuals who seize power by force or who exercise it in violation of the provisions of this Constitution.”
Kabila’s political grouping did not take part in the last elections that saw Félix Tshisekedi fradulently re-elected as head of the DRC for a second term. During this period, Kabila’s political family called for dialogue to achieve a consensual CENI and consensual reforms. It did not win its case and deemed it appropriate to stay outside the institutions, believing that the electoral process as led by Denis Kazadi, head of the electoral center, was intended to keep Félix Tshisekedi at the head of the country.