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HomeGeneralDAYLIGHT ROBBERY: Business Stalls As Bandits Raid Electronics Store At Durba

DAYLIGHT ROBBERY: Business Stalls As Bandits Raid Electronics Store At Durba

Economic activities at Durba Central Market in Watsa territory of Haut-Uele province, have stalled the afternoon of Wednesday, February 7, 2024 after bandits raided an electronics store.

According to eye-witnesses, the incident happened when four criminals burst into ths shop around 12:30 FM and threatened the owner before seizing several telephones and computers.

This incident saw a popular uprising break out in Durba as residents burnt tires on major thoroughfares causing all shops to close their doors immediately.

When contacted, the police commander at the Mongali sub-station reassured the population, specifying that the situation was under control, and asked economic operators to resume their activities normally.

“These renegades, arriving on motorbikes, posed as customers. After ordering several devices, they fled. The seller then alerted his neighbors, but it was almost too late. Our daytime patrol teams , who were in the market, intervened, and we ourselves went into the field to investigate. We identified the names of these bandits, but we do not know where they are hiding. We only ask the population to remain calm because the police are at their service.

We will do our best to apprehend these thieves so that they are held accountable for their actions. Economic operators must reopen their doors and resume their normal activities,” said Kpangoma John.



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