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HomeBreaking NewsDRC RIVER ALLIANCE WARNS RAMAPHOSA: Take Your Soldiers Out Of Congo; This...

DRC RIVER ALLIANCE WARNS RAMAPHOSA: Take Your Soldiers Out Of Congo; This Is A Constitutional Revolution, Not A War… “We Are Fighting For Our People The Same Way You Fought Apartheid… We Know Your Special Interests In Our Minerals”

Democratic Republic of Congo political-military coalition Congo River Alliance (AFC) leader Corneille Nangaa has sent a strong letter warning to corrupt South African President Cyril Ramaphosa over his nation’s involvement in the ongoing security crisis in the vast central African nation.

Nangaa, a former President of the DRC’s Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) and the AFC, have formed an alliance with the M23 Rebel Group who have so far managed to unsettle the Congolese army (FARDC) and supporting missions including the South African Defence Force (SANDF).

The AFC alliance is determined and has continued to seize several territories as they advance towards the city of Goma, North Kivu Province.

In a detailed letter dated March 5, 2023 addressed to the African Union (AU), Nangaa has advised Ramaphosa against interfering in the ongoing tension in eastern DRC as it was not a war requiring military interventions but an internal political crisis needing a political solution.

Nangaa said the AFC was fighting to bring democracy and respect of the nation’s law that has been breached under the leadership of President Fèlix Tshisekedi.

“I am addressing your august Authority in my capacity as Coordinator of a popular revolution represented by the Congo River Alliance (AFC) whose ambition is to restore democratic normality in the Democratic Republic of Congo by all means consistent with the Article 64 of our Constitution.

“The historical proximity of the South African people to the Congolese people is the ultimate justification of this correspondence for the demands of solidarity, fraternity and trust that have been incumbent upon us mutually for decades.”

Nangaa added that the ongoing crisis in the east was a fight to end Tshisekedi and his government’s policies of segregation and political, social, and economic discrimination just like South African did against Apartheid.

“In the same way that you fought Apartheid with its corollaries of separatism of people and racism, embodied in its time by ancient and inhumane regimes, the nasty defects of the governance of Mr. Félix Tshisekedi Tshilombo offend all humanity,” Nangaa writes.

The official says Congolese are motivated to fight for democratic freedom because they will not allow an imposter like Tshisekedi to rule the country without the mandate of the majority of voters.

Nangaa says Tshisekedi has committed grave atrocities in the name of the Presidency and must be held to account.

“As an illustration, we have to date the following cases: The assassination of judge Raphaël Yanyi, generals Delphin KAHIMBI and Timothée MUKUNTO KIYANA as well as the carnage of more than 150 Wazalendo in Goma by the Republican Guard in August 2023.

“The emblematic case dated is that of Honorary Minister and national deputy Chérubin OKENDE.

“For this last case, Congolese opinion in general and the family of the missing person are traumatized and shocked by the fanciful conclusions rendered by the Prosecutor General at the Court of Cassation as communicated on February 29 to Kinshasa by Congolese justice.

“This Far West Republic which crucified the Constitution and stamped out republican norms, becomes a terrible danger for the people, for the region and for humanity.

“The latest revelations of electoral fraud culpably planned, orchestrated, imposed and implemented by a tribal electoral architecture, have corrupted all the rules of justice, law and democratic equity. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, “WE HAD NO ELECTIONS”. An imposter institutionally proclaimed himself “president-elect” after an immoral spectacle of ballot stuffing in favor of a repulsive electoral fraud.

“Mr. Tshilombo systematically violated the Constitution; he has burglarized the electoral process and disrupted our Nation-State to the point that all the elective institutions of the Republic suffer from a social imbalance and unequal representation for the benefit of a single geographical and linguistic space.

“This spectacle ended up giving the sad impression that the path of elections is no longer the beneficial option for the people. This is why Mr. Tshilombo deserves neither to sit alongside you in the assemblies of Heads of State, nor the republican honors reserved for leaders of your rank,” Nangaa writes to Ramaphosa.

He said it was disappointing that Ramaphosa has chosen to sacrifice the lives of South African soldiers in a conflict he should have taken time to understand.

Nangaa says by taking sides, Ramaphosa has gone against the wishes of Congolese and may be treated as a common enemy.

“In view of the haste with which South Africa, through your authority, takes part in this Congolese-Congolese conflict, the AFC considers that the root causes of this crisis escape you and that your Authority was induced into error.

“In this context, designating the members of our Alliance as being of foreign nationality comes from manipulation, lies and propaganda.

“We are not at war, nor in rebellion, but WE ARE A CONSTITUTIONAL REVOLUTION. Those who fight against Mr. Tshilombo are indeed sons of the country, nationals of all the provinces, each affected by the governmental depravity of Kinshasa where democracy and the Constitution are trampled upon.

“Moreover, information in our possession indicates that YOUR ENGAGEMENT IN THE MILITARY COALITION WITH KINSHASA IS MOTIVATED BY SPECIAL MINING INTERESTS,” Nangaa said to Ramaphosa who in his country is known to keep stolen cash in sofas and under ground.



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